Monday Night Curling

Attention all curlers! There will be no curling on Monday night (7-9 pm) January 15, 2018 for anyone. It will resume the following week. Sorry for the inconvenience.  

Mixed Bonspiel

Attention all curlers! The SFCC is hosting its Annual Bouffard Well Drilling Mixed Curling Bonspiel January 20-21, 2018 Register you team ASAP as the deadline is January 15th, 2018. Call 705-753-1130 or email us at! Hope to see you there....


CURLING ICE PREPARATION The ice plant will be started the week of Sept 15-18, 2017 Ice preparation will begin soon thereafter and we will need volunteers to help during this process. Anyone interested in giving 1 hour or more would be greatly appreciated. Please...


CURLING SEASON starts October 23rd! Registrations will be taking place at the Curling Club on the following dates: September 27 – 7 to 9 pm and September 30 – 11 am to 2 pm If you have new curlers who don’t receive these blogs, please pass it on. We need all curlers...