Ladies’ League
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Tuesday night Ladies League is open to all females aged 13+.
For more information on joining the league please call 705-753-1130 or email us at
Draw Time: 7:00 pm
League Convener: Dianne Labbé
SFCC Rules & Etiquette
The Board has approved the following two documents in order to help the leagues and players. It identifies league rules and offers the curlers highlights on the etiquette of curling! These documents have also been posted inside the club.
SFCC Curling Etiquette: sfcc-curling-etiquette-v2
Please note that game times, ice allocations, teams and standings will all be made available to you through Curling I/O.
League Champions 2023-2024

Team ROCHON – Ginette Rochon, Carole Fournier, Mélanie Guenette, Kassandra Girard
2023-2024 Fall League Winners
Team LEBLANC – Jennifer Leblanc (absent), Dominique Proulx, Carolle Dionne, Renee Haworth

2023-2024 Winter League Winners
Team ROCHON – Ginette Rochon, Carole Fournier, Mélanie Guenette, Kassandra Girard

2022-2023 League Winners
Team LABBE – Draw 1 Winners: Dianne Labbe, Louise Gauthier, Pam Morel, Sophie Larocque
Team ROCHON – Draw 2 Winners: Ginette Rochon, Carole Fournier, Mélanie Guenette, Kassandra Girard

Every year the Sturgeon Falls Curling Club hosts Doubles, Mixed, Ladies’ and Men’s Bonspiels. The club also hosts other Special Events throughout the season.
Read more about our Bonspiels and Special Events at the following link:
We offer a Senior’s drop in league on Monday and Thursday, a Tuesday after-school youth league, a Tuesday night ladies’ league, a Wednesday night men’s league, a Thursday night open doubles league as well as a Friday night open mixed league. We have a Youth Learn to Curl programs on Monday (Little Rocks) and Wednesday (Juniors), and an Adult Learn to Curl program on Monday evenings.
Registration is available online at the following link: