FREE Curling Clinic

We are hosting a FREE Curling Clinic! Coaches will be on hand to help you with your technique. You don’t have a technique? Well, we can help with that too! So don’t be intimated, come see what all the chatter is about on curling. Tell your...

Tremblay’s Ladies Bonspiel

A reminder that the deadline to register your team for the upcoming Ladies’ Bonspiel is today (Sunday – Jan 24).  Reach out to your friends if you know they were planning on teaming up for this fun event. As well, get your theme together for ‘Around...

Volunteers Needed

We need two volunteers to assist on New Year’s Eve. We have two bartenders but require extra hands to assist in various tasks. Please contact us via email –> or Or call the club 705-753-1130, if interested Thanks and Happy...

Mixed League Christmas Party & Facebook

Just a friendly reminder that this Friday – December 18 is our Mixed League Christmas Party. The draws will be 6-end games at 7 pm and 8:30 pm.  Each team is asked to bring a potluck dish. The night will be filled with fun, a few games, lots of food and music....

Beer / Wine for a Year

The Sturgeon Falls Curling Club has completed the installation of a new ice plant and new LED lighting system.  These improvements were made possible through fundraising efforts and the support of our members and our community. Help sustain the success of our club by...