by Pres @ sfcc | Nov 12, 2016 | Leagues, Membership, news
As we get everyone out on the ice and up running full swing things are getting busy! We are always looking at ways to improve and keep in touch with our members. Feedback to the executive is also appreciated and needed for us to move ahead in a positive...
by Pres @ sfcc | Nov 12, 2016 | Leagues, Membership, news
Behind the scene Carolle Dionne and Ginette Rochon are our “webmasters” trying to keep our site up to date! To help with this challenge we have added a webmaster email address for updates and changes required and we are asking for our members help!...
by Pres @ sfcc | Oct 4, 2016 | Leagues, Membership, news
Getting close as we are making ice! Dust off your brooms and call your team mates! Don’t have a team we have teams looking for players! We have room in all leagues for more teams & players. Come out next Wednesday night from 6:00-8:00pm to register...
by Pres @ sfcc | Sep 27, 2016 | Leagues, Membership, news
It’s that time of year again….. Dust off your broom and call your teammates! Membership registration will be on: Wednesday Sept 28 7-9 pm Saturday Oct 1 12-2pm Hope to see everyone on the ice!
by SFCC Secretary | Nov 10, 2015 | Membership
We have added an additional day for registration. For members who haven’t paid this year’s membership, please do so this Saturday – November 14 between 11 – 2 pm. This will facilitate the work for our committee members as opposed to...